We learned of my son’s egg allergy at 11 months old. He had only just begun to regularly attend those… Read more »
Tag: birthday party
Food Allergy Mom’s Advice: Going to Birthday Parties
The card says: “Your son/daughter is invited to a birthday party!” Can you hear the audible gasps of the food… Read more »
Allergy Family’s Frosty Birthday Party Idea Proves a Big Hit
Mom’s allergy-friendly approach to ice cream for her daughter’s 7th birthday party.
7 Tips for Allergy-Friendly Birthday Party Visits
Rest assured that with practice, birthday bashes will become a piece of cake.
Navigating the Kids’ Birthday Party with Allergies
An invitation to a birthday party is exciting news for any kid! But worries about food allergens can spoil the fun for those with allergies. Help food-allergic kids stay safe and have fun by following this expert tips.