Allergic Living is proud to assist in your awareness and education efforts with the following free 8.5 x 11-inch food allergy posters. Click an image to download it. These food allergy posters and handouts are perfect for sharing with schools, caregivers, family and friends.
You Know You’re A Food Allergy Mom When…
Click on a poster to download the PDF.
My Food Allergies Are…
Click on a poster to download the PDF.
Taking on Food Allergy Bullying Handout
Click here view the web version of this article.
I am a Child with Food Allergies
Customize Your Own Posters!
Print out and attach a photo of your child to this handout. Or if you have a PDF editing program, you can insert your photo into the poster.
I am a Child with Food Allergies Custom
Talking Food Allergies: Snappy Comebacks
Related Reading:
For Food Allergy Awareness Week: Making the Invisible So Visible
Food Allergy, Celiac and Asthma Awareness Month Tool Kit 2022