Using certain over-the-counter acne products may cause severe, even life-threatening allergic reactions.
Skin Allergy
FDA Approves New Treatment for Chronic Hives
In trials, Xolair has proved a life-changing treatment for adults with chronic hives.
Blocking Nerve Cells Could Halt Eczema’s Itch
Scientists have discovered that blocking certain nerve cells could not only treat eczema, but prevent associated issues from developing later in life.
Company Nixes Allergy Chemical in Sunscreen
Johnson & Johnson announces changes to a sunscreen product after over 150 people reported skin reactions.
Skin Allergy “Epidemic” Linked to MI Chemical
British dermatologists are warning of an “epidemic” of skin allergies caused by a chemical
Poison Ivy Allergy: What You Need to Know About the Rash
If your mother always said: “leaves of three, let it be,” she knew what she was talking about. Direct skin… Read more »
Sun’s Rays May Prevent Food Allergies, Eczema
A large study of Australian kids finds persuasive evidence that sun exposure may help to ward off both food allergies and eczema.
Using Sea Salt for Eczema Control
For mild cases of eczema, treatment with a common pantry item can help reduce redness and itching.
When The Cold Brings On Hives
For many, it can take years of itching and welts before finally being diagnosed with cold-induced hives.
A Rash of Cell Phone Allergies
Prolonged use of cellphones is leading to numerous nickel reactions of the face and jaw, an allergists’ conference is told. There are solutions.