Allergy Dad Shakes Up Breakfast With Toast Art

in Food Allergy
Published: September 1, 2016

ToastDadArtStatue of Liberty in toast by Adam Perry. Credit: Instagram @2slicesoftoast
Adam Perry’s daughter Scarlett has allergies to dairy, eggs, nuts and shellfish, which makes breakfast a particularly challenging meal. The 9-year-old eats white toast with sunflower spread every morning.

Perry’s creative solution to the mundane meal has gone viral on social media. Each day, while the kettle boils for his morning cup of tea, he makes two pieces of toast and swiftly shapes them into a sculpture representing a well-known person, place or object.

“I started to feel really sorry for her that her breakfast was so boring every day – the same old two slices of white toast,” Perry told ABC-owned WABC TV. “So I started playing with toast to get her excited about her breakfast again and to make both the girls [he has two daughters] laugh when they come down to eat.”

He told the television network that he wants to continue for 365 days so that he can “make a coffee table book about the year in toast.”

“It’s got to the stage now where I start stressing at night about what I’m going to make in the morning, and can’t sleep,” he said. “Often when I pop the toast down in the toaster, I still don’t have any idea what I’m going to create.”

When that happens, he asks for help from his wife and children.

Typically, the final piece is “just a reflection of what’s going on in our little bubble,” he said, adding that he needs suggestions.

Here are a few of Parry’s toast sculptures from his Instagram account, @2slicesoftoast.

The Coliseum in Rome:

A photo posted by Adam Perry (@2slicesoftoast) on

A sailboat:

A photo posted by Adam Perry (@2slicesoftoast) on

The Stars and Stripes:

A photo posted by Adam Perry (@2slicesoftoast) on

Olympian Usain Bolt:

A photo posted by Adam Perry (@2slicesoftoast) on