I wanted to explain to you that Allergic Living is undergoing a major transformation that will significantly expand our digital presence, including the launch of a must-read series of e-magazines. At the same time, we’ve taken a tough decision: after 13 years, the Spring 2019 edition became our final print Allergic Living magazine.
My team at Allergic Living remains thoroughly dedicated to our mission as the leading source of food allergy news and feature coverage. We will proudly continue that mission through investment in strengthened digital platforms.
Today, we live on our mobile devices. And with Allergic Living visitor traffic growing at a remarkable 35 percent in the first quarter of 2019, the publisher and I see a bright future for Allergic Living in the digital space. Our company’s changes also come at a time of greater sponsor interest in our website, as advertisers in general shift away from print.
This is a truly transformative time for Allergic Living. Let me share with you what’s coming up:
Introducing the e-Magazine

The first big announcement is the launch of a new series of Allergic Living special edition e-magazines. Each will be a unique publication, and quite different from the print magazine. The e-magazine is designed as an insightful “big topic” guide, delving into a hot-button area of allergic life or research.
The first digital-only e-magazine, accessible by late summer, will focus on: Food Allergy Anxiety. This comprehensive edition will include articles on: helping a child break through anaphylaxis fears, guiding the parent and child to a place of calm control, actionable expert advice and engaging personal stories.
If you’re a current print subscriber – we most appreciate your support, and your magazine subscription will automatically transfer to the digital e-magazine. You don’t need to take further action, but see our Subscriber FAQ for more information.
For non-subscribing followers, read more here about the first e-magazine, which will cost $7.95 to access.
Allergic Living Web Improvements
Readers rely on our journalists’ exceptional allergy and asthma coverage, and soon you will notice more online news reporting at Allergic Living’s website. New features will be rolled out, including podcasts and, by mid-year, new video reports.
New Microsite
Later in 2019, we will unveil a bold new Allergicliving.com microsite. I’ll tell you more closer to the reveal, but it’s going to be engaging and inspiring.
Food allergies now impact 32 million Americans and 2.8 million Canadians, so the job Allergic Living does of providing compelling, in-depth allergy coverage has never felt more important. The team and I thank our readers for their continued and valued support. We warmly welcome you to – the next chapter of Allergic Living.
Gwen Smith
Editor and Co-Owner
Allergic Living