Attic or Top Floor
Start by looking for water marks on the ceiling – a telltale sign of a leaky roof – and if the attic is finished, look for bubbling paint, browning of the drywall seams, or nail or screw pops.
Main Floor
Look for warps or bulges in the flooring or baseboards near exterior walls, and keep an eye out for bubbling paint or water stains on the walls or ceiling.
A spring cleaning must is to check for water stains on the walls, or swollen baseboards. If you have bare walls and see a white powdery film, that’s likely from moisture getting in and then drying up – which means there could be a crack that requires your attention. “Immediately that’s a sign to go outside and make sure there isn’t an issue with the grading or the down-spouts,” says McGillivray.
Windows and Doors
Look at your windows and doors for any signs of mold or leaks; condensation on windows is also a sign that humidity levels in your home are likely too high.
Take a good look at your roof, your gutters and downspouts, your siding and your foundation, as well as the slope of the soil that surrounds your house. And remember that in most regions, spring or summer is the best time for exterior repairs, not in the winter when the water starts coming in.
This is a sidebar to Allergic Living’s feature: How to Keep Water, Mold and Pests Out of Your Home.
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