The pollen’s out and once again you’re congested and bleary-headed. Do you get a few allergy symptoms or the whole enchilada?
Tag: pollen allergy
8 Surprising Holiday Allergy Facts
Some of our favorite winter things can also trigger reactions. Allergic Living details the holiday allergy facts and what to… Read more »
The Scoop On: Raw vs. Cooked Fruit
Struggling with an itchy mouth? A peach may not be beyond reach.
Top 10 Flowers for Allergy-Free Gardening
Dreaming of a gorgeous garden but have allergies that get in the way? Work with allergy-friendly plants to have the garden, and allergy control, of your dreams.
Dog and Cat Allergies Make Ragweed Worse
As if suffering from allergies to dogs and cats wasn’t enough, scientists have discovered that having this type of year-round allergy makes people’s ragweed symptoms worse.
Managing Oral Allergy Syndrome
If you have oral allergy syndrome (OAS), chances are that you also have seasonal allergies to pollen from trees such… Read more »
Trees that Make You Sneeze
Allergic Living’s handy region-by-region field guide to Canada.
Allergic Living’s Guide to Fall Allergies
Learn why fall allergies are so bad, and what to do about them, with Allergic Living’s best tricks and tips.
Allergic Living’s 10 Ways to Beat Pollen
Think pollen’s winning the allergy game? Show it who’s boss with Allergic Living’s top tips for how to minimize exposure, manage allergies and avoid pollen altogether.