New research suggests that giving antibiotics to babies under the age of 12 months significantly increases
Tag: Newsflash Allergy
Skin Allergy “Epidemic” Linked to MI Chemical
British dermatologists are warning of an “epidemic” of skin allergies caused by a chemical
Shellfish Allergy and Iodine: Is There a Link?
Research confirms that those with shellfish allergy are not more likely to react to contrast dye used to improve clarity… Read more »
Allergy Experts Assess State of Immunotherapy
European and American experts review what’s working and what’s not with allergy immunotherapy.
Health Canada’s Stand on Nut, Peanut and Soy Oils
Health Canada declares its new position on peanut, tree nut, soy, fish and sesame oils.
4 States Pass Stock Epinephrine Bills
The hard work of food allergy advocates is leading to real change across the United States.
Virginia Kids Show High Level of Meat Allergy
A unique allergy to red meat, related to tick bites, has been found in a significant
Stock Epi Bill Reintroduced to U.S. Congress
A stock epinephrine auto-injector bill has been re-introduced in the U.S. Congress
Milk Proteins May Lurk in Dustless Chalk
Hidden casein proteins in certain “dustless” chalk products can cause respiratory symptoms when inhaled
Sucking Baby’s Pacificier May Halt Allergies. Yes, Really.
A study finds that parents who “cleaned” pacifiers with their own saliva exposed their babies to important microbes.