Allergy Mom Video: How I ‘Cook’ in a Hotel to Manage Allergies

in Managing Allergies, Travel & Dining
Published: October 17, 2024

Does the idea of a road trip with your family – whether for school sports or vacation – fray your nerves because of food allergies?

Parenting contributor Megan Lavin gets it. Her eldest son is on a middle school soccer team that travels. This means many weekends for her family of six involve hitting the road to drive to a game. Trouble is, her son manages severe allergies to wheat, dairy and most nuts. 

She found it was a lot to manage four or five meals on the road when her family was eating at restaurants. The risks of allergen cross-contact would be constant – and regular restaurant dining was taking a toll on the family’s budget.

What to do? 

In this episode of the Megan’s Minute video series for Allergic Living, our intrepid allergy mom shares her solution. She has devised a method of finding a fuss-free, allergy-friendly meal and literally “cooking” it in the hotel. 

Kids Love Hotel Solution

As well as cooking in the hotel with limited tools, hear how she creates hotel-prepped lunches. With her method, the Lavins have cut the number of times the eat out in half. 

And the best parts? Her kids love the “hotel cooking” solution. Also, her eldest loves soccer and gets to travel and excel in his sport.

Megan shares: “I hope this workaround either works for your family or helps inspire you to find ways to do quick trips.” 

As a big believer in not letting food allergies hold you back from life. Her counsel is: “Travel safe and – don’t let food allergies stop you!”

Join Allergic Living monthly for a new installment of Megan’s Minute with Megan Lavin, the creator of the Allergy Awesomeness blog. Follow her on Instagram and Facebook

More Megan’s Minute Videos:
Megan’s Advice: How to Host or Attend Big Gatherings
Going to Birthday Parties
Food Allergy as School: Self-Carrying Epi Matters
Creating a 504 Plan for an Allergic Student
Playing Sports: Snacks and Food Allergy Safety
How Not to Overreact with an Allergic Child
Going Big Box Shopping for Allergy-Safe Finds