Key considerations before taking a student trip. This is a sidebar to the article – “The Overnight School Trip: Like Boot Camp for Teens with Food Allergies.”
1. Prior to your student trip, review your individual health-care plan (often called an IHCP) and 504 Plan (if you have one) with those who will chaperone.
2. Also before travel, double-check that you have your epinephrine auto-injectors and asthma inhalers. Always carry two auto-injectors on your person and, if desired, provide extra auto-injectors to a chaperone.
3. Choose roommates carefully, ensuring they will adhere to your food safety requests for your room. Even better – train them about food allergy reactions and how to administer your auto-injector.
4. Research accommodating restaurants online and confirm by phone, before the trip.
5. Pack a large amount of allergy-safe snacks for the time spent traveling.
6. If flying, determine if you need to pre-board to wipe down your seat. Check for airlines policies on allergy accommodations.
7. Know your transportation route and the location of your hotel, camp or conference site.
8. Review online to find the hospital emergency room closest to where you will be staying, just in case.
9. Save the exact address as well as your doctor’s contact on your mobile phone.