A food allergy reaction is a mysterious and potentially life-threatening response in which a person’s immune system overreacts to what… Read more »
Tag: auto-injector
Food Allergy: 5 Steps to Get From Horrified to Hopeful
Gina Clowes’ son has multiple, life-threatening food allergies. Learn how she created a new normal for her and her family and restored balance in their lives after receiving her son’s daunting diagnosis.
But What About Me? Food Allergy Diagnosis Affects Siblings Too
After a child receives a severe food allergy diagnosis, emotions tend to run high. Reader Sue Marchand shares her story.
Our 11-Year-Old Takes Charge in Emergency
After a mistake of eating an unsafe candy, our brave girl acted swiftly to save her own life.
Roundup: AAAAI 2013 Coverage
A list of some of the most fascinating findings from this year’s meeting of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology.