Submit an Article to This Allergic Life
This Allergic Life by Allergic Living is a website dedicated to telling and sharing our followers’ stories – the real life experiences of living with severe food allergies and celiac disease. We want to hear our followers’ most interesting allergy stories. Just follow the “story pitching” directions below.
What type of stories are considered?
The editors here are interested in stories that are relatable, poignant, compelling, uplifting or surprising. While we will publish articles related to the raw, emotional impact of anaphylaxis, we also want to hear about triumphs no matter how big or small.
We’re interested in issues that arise with food allergies or celiac. We have article categories including: kids, schools, teens and college, managing, parenting, dining out, traveling and adult allergies.
Should I send you a finished article?
No. We prefer that you “pitch” the editors by email with just 2-3 short paragraphs summing up the topic and what you would cover in your story. As not all submissions will fit our needs or may too close to a topic we’ve covered, we prefer not to have you go to a lot of effort until we can say we are interested. (FYI, we do not take pitches over social media.)
Where do I send my article pitch?
Email [email protected], and put in the subject field: “Story submission on …” It can take us a couple of weeks to respond, since we do get a lot of story proposals.
You’ll notice that This Allergic Life uses big horizontal photos and smaller secondary photos. If you’re able to provide a good big rectangular photo, that also will give your story idea greater appeal. We will tell you more about photo needs if your story is accepted.
Editing process
At This Allergic Life, you get the benefit of professional editors helping to fine-tune your story. We are here to help. We want the community to gain insights from the many stories that are out there. If you have a great story, but aren’t as comfortable with writing, pitch us the idea anyway, and we’ll then help you to tell it.